Learn the basics of git and github. A Complete github tutorial

 Welcome to the Paradise people. Today in this tutorial, we are proceeding to unveil some of the basics and introduction on the GitHub, it's terminologies, commands, remote and local. It would be more salutary for our team if you show kind curiosity in learning by devouring each of the crucial steps. This is just part one of the complete GitHub tutorials. In our further blogs, you will get the GitHub updates.        

Take a glimpse over how to learn GitHub instantly and in a better way. Acquire about the GitHub, we provided the special GitHub tutorial for beginners.    

Version control system vs Git

Have you ever wondered about the Version Control in GitHub? Version Control system accommodates to manage commits. It helps to manage commits. Version control system most commonly runs as stand-alone applications, but it is embedded in various types of software such as:

Word Processors & Spreadsheets

Moreover, it refers to the act of numbering the changes made in a computer program or in any document. Version Control is also known as a Revision Control System. So basically, the Version Control System is a form of repository works on the version base. Here, once the version has begun tracking a source code file system, it maintains the complete history of changes and the state of the source code throughout the project's history or the history of the overall file. A myriad of advantages the Version Control System holds. Look and get through the below section.  

  • Centralized Repository
  • Revision History
  • Branching & tagging
  • Rich set of tools and Plug-ins
  • The learning curve is small

In a nutshell. Git encourages us to manage our project's files. It keeps track of more and more changes. Yes, on the other hand, Git is a quite mature, and actively sustained open-source project/plan creatively developed in the year 2005 by Linus Torvalds, one of the leading originators of the "Linux operating system kernel".

Git serves the foundation for many services, like GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab, but you can handle the Git without using any other service. This means that you can use Git open source as privately or publicly. Git itself holds many of the features such as, it is a free and an open-source tool. Superiorly, Git holds the compatibility with the existing systems & protocol. Git is quite fast, secure, scalable, and fully reliable. Moreover, Git supports non-linear development as well.

After gulping about the Version Control System in comparison to the git, now get ready to take a dive into what is Remote and Local. How such terms do perform.

Local and Remote

In a Git, there are some of the commands that interact with a repository. Mainly, Git commits to the main server as a “repository”.  

The “Terminal” performs a major role in sharing and collecting data with teammates. Remember wherever you are, you can easily commit & push on the terminal even without the internet access, and when it will instantly change in the repository.      

On the other hand, one can easily access the clone and get the whole data through this repository & if we talk about Local, it is the one through which we can easily make the local changes by own that contains all the files to commit further.

Now, look at the commands used in the Local Repositories only to push remote repositories.  

git init (emphasize to initialized the empty git repository)    

git add. (says to "add" any file in git)

git commit -m "files" (use in the local repo and make the changes in the local repo)  

git remote add origin https://github.com/username/repositoryname.git (it is considered as URL that helps to push the remote)  

git push -u origin master (works to push the remote from the origin)

Common Git Terminologies

After attaining the repositories, now its time to learn about the Git Terminologies. There is a number of Terminologies the Git holds such as:

  • HEAD-  Head is a pointer to the latest commit for the working branch. Usually, there is always one HEAD per repository. Whilst switching the branch, the Head will point to the latest commit for the selected branch and after each commit, the HEAD will point to the latest commit.
  • REMOTE-  Remote is also the Git repository on a network outside the machine. There can be more than one remote pointing from the local repo. The remote repo can be managed and referenced by short names as well.  
  • ORIGIN- Git associate remote repository with names. It is a logical name set for the default repository. Origin is quite useful to point to the default repo when running the git commands instead of the entire URL.
  • CLONE- To get the copy of the existing repository from a remote repo and in a directory, it makes a clone or a copy of that particular repo.
  • PUSH- To push the changes from the local repository to the local repository. This is performed after committed the changes to the local repo. This is mainly used to sync the changes from the local repository with the remote repository.
  • PULL- To get the updates from the repository to the local repository. This is to sync the changes from the remote repo to the local repo and keeping the local repo up to date. Pull command will take the latest code from the remote repo and merge the changes with the local repo.  
  • FETCH- By implementing a fetch terminology, you're downloading and copying the branch's file data only into your workstation. In the fetch terminology, multiple branches can be fetched at once. To run the commands you can simply rename the branches.  


In this tutorial, we have explained about the basics terminologies of git that will help all the GitHub learners. In a nutshell, GitHub is a file or code-sharing service to collaborate with different people. In our next blog, you'll find the complete GitHub tutorial, GitHub repository, and about the GitHub guides. Till then study the basics from this blog.      

The team Paradise will soon be publishing more blogs on slightly more advanced concepts of Git and GitHub. Stay tuned for more GitHub updates.   


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